4 Des 2010


In East Java there is an art of traditional drama called Ludruk. Ludruk usually performed by a group of art which in staged disebuah stage by taking the stories of everyday people’s lives, stories of struggle and others are interspersed with jokes and as accompanied by gamelan music, before staging ludruk usual at the start began with Dance Remo and interspersed by staging a character as  “Mr. Sakera”, a master of Madura.
Dialogue / monologue in ludruk are entertaining and make the audience laugh, using language typical of Surabaya, although there are occasional guest stars from other areas such as Jombang, Malang, Madura, Madiun with a different accent. Straightforward language that is used in ludruk, making him easily absorbed by the non-intellect (pedicab driver, prowl, public transport drivers, etc).

One of the famous comedian is legendary ludruk is  Kartolo he was from Surabaya, East Java. He wrestle world ludruk more than 40 years of living in the art world ludruk. Kartolo name and distinctive voice, the jokes are innocent and intelligent, is known almost all over East Java, even to Central Java.

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